World-wide Delivery of Teaching Materials
An infraNET Project
The United Nations University -
Internatinal Network on Water, Health
and the Environment (UNUINWEH) has been established in Ontario and funded
by the Federal Government of Canada. Long-term funding (from CIDA) was
renewed in 2003. The University of Waterloo will play a key role in the
development and delivery of teaching materials to overseas member
institutions in one of the projects - The Water Virtual Leaarning Centre.
Internet-related processes are critical to this program. Other universities
in Ontario will be involved in this project as content providers and
the WVLC program (funded by the United Nations Development Fund
initially at $2.0 million over 3 years) will establish regional centres
in the developing world to deliver the program on Integrated Water
Resource Management. The United Nations University will grant diplomas
in IWRM upon satisfactory completion of the entire 10 course program.
Overseas relationships with institutions in the European Union could be
negotiated for content provision.