Community Learning Space

About the Partnership Program

The infraNET Project is based on partnerships with organizations in business, education and government who are providers or users of Web and Internet technology. Through partnerships, we can leverage each other's knowledge and capabilities. Partners are dedicated to working with the infraNET Project to develop and enhance Web and Internet technologies. Partners of the infraNET Project receive several benefits, including access to research projects, educational and training programs, and project resources. For more information about the project, refer to the infraNET Project brochure or the web site at:

Go to Application form.

Partners of the infraNET Project

There are four types of infraNET Project partners. E ach type of partner has a different interaction with the infraNET Project and associated benefits. Members of the Advisory Committee of the infraNET Project review partnership applications before an applicant officially joins the Project.

infraNET Corporate Partners

An infraNET Corporate Partner is an organization or individual from outside the University of Waterloo interested in employing the World-Wide Web and the Internet as an application development platform. An infraNET Corporate Partner is an active participant in the various programs offered by the infraNET Project and shows a long-term interest in working with the infraNET Project.

infraNET Corporate Partners pay an annual fee of $1,000 to join the infraNET Project. Groups within a large organization may elect to join as separate infraNET Corporate Partners in order to receive partner benefits.

Benefits to infraNET Corporate Partners

  • Access to research groups and projects working with the infraNET Project
  • Advanced reservation for two attendees at special events such as infraNET seminars, web breakfasts, partners' forums
  • Reduced fee for two attendees for cost-intensive events such as courses, workshops and conferences
  • Access to services which are currently in the planning stage, such as:
  • Executive and technology/information specialist briefings on the latest developments in World-Wide Web and Internet technologies
  • An infraNET Project information bulletin accessible through the infraNET web site
  • A human resource database
  • A research project database

infraNET Founding Partners

The infraNET Project was established at the University of Waterloo with six Founding Partners. These partners, namely: Inforium, MKS, Maple, Open Text, RIM and Sybase (Waterloo), represent companies that are active in developing Web and Internet technology. The infraNET Founding Partners advise the University on strategic directions for the infraNET Project.

Benefits to infraNET Founding Partners

In recognition of their established contribution to the infraNET Project, the Founding Partners receive the following benefits:

  • Advanced reservation for two attendees for any infraNET seminar
  • Acknowledgement in infraNET publications
  • Access to the research results and publications of the infraNET Project
  • Access to research groups and projects working with the infraNET Project

infraNET Research Partners

An external group or individual may want to associate with a specific research project within the infraNET Project. The partnership agreement, including fees, will depend on the project.

infraNET UW Partners

A group or individual (faculty, staff or student) at the University of Waterloo can become an infraNET UW Partner. In addition to completing an application form, documentation about the group and/or individual(s), and specific interest in the infraNET Project is required.

Partner Application Process

Complete the application form on our web site.

Go to Application form.

You will be contacted by the infraNET Project office upon receipt of a partnership application.

infraNET Project Contact

Shirley Fenton
The infraNET Project
Computer Systems Group
University of Waterloo
Tel: (519) 888-4074