Presentation Archive
This archive contains the presentations from previous seminars.
Smarter Health Seminars: The Many Faces and Facets of Health Informatics (2009)
- Informatics and the Continuum of Care: The Changing Landscape - J. Wayne Gudbranson - President and CEO, Branham Group Inc. - January 28, 2009
- Health Informatics - Tomorrow's Industry - Brendan Seaton - President, ITAC Health - February 25, 2009
- The Crucial Role of HIM Professionals on the eHealth Team - Gail Crook - CEO & Registrar, CHIMA - March 25, 2009
- Advancing Health Informatics as a Profession - Neil Gardner - Chief Information Officer, Saskatchewan Health - April 22, 2009
- Neonatal Health Informatics: Uncharted Discovery - Carolyn McGregor - Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics, UOIT - May 27, 2009
- Hospital Information Systems: The Promise and Reality - Jim Shave - President, Cerner Canada - June 23, 2009
Smarter Health Seminars: The Many Faces and Facets of Health Informatics (2008)
- Health Informatics: Critical Support for Critical Research - Dr. David Hill, Professor, Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, University of Western Ontario & Scientific Director of the Lawson Health Research Institute - January 16, 2008
- Personalized Medicine: Today and Tomorrow - Dr. Richard Kim, Professor of Medicine and Physiology & Pharmacology; Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute, Chair, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Director, Centre for Clinical Investigation & Therapeutics, University of Western Ontario - February 27, 2008
- Smart Systems for Health Agency - Helping Improve Ontario's Health Care Through e-Health Innovation - William Albino, CEO, Smart Systems for Health Agency - March 26, 2008
- Managing the Medical Image Tsunami: Reducing Data Volume - Dr. David Koff, Chief, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hamilton Health Sciences & Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University - April 30, 2008
- Geographic Informatics Systems for Community Health - Mr. Tom Vair, Executive Director and Ms. Michelle Courneene, HI Development Manager, Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre - May 28, 2008
- Illness in the Age of 'e' : How Connected Technology Changes the Patient Experience - Daniel Z. Sands, Senior Medical Informatics Director, Cisco Systems & Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School - June 25, 2008
- Standardized MR Imaging of the Brain: A Paradigm Shift - Dr. E. Mark Haacke, Director of the Imaging Program, School for Biomedical Engineering;
Director of the MRI Institute for Biomedical Research and Director, MR Research Facility, Wayne State University - September 24, 2008
- System-Supported Clinical Practice: Linking People, Process and Informatics Together as a System - William Stead, Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategy/Transformation, Vanderbilt University Medical Center - October 29, 2008
- Healthcare, Biobanks and Research Information Systems in the UK - Stephen Walker, IS Programme Director, National Institutes for Health Research; Director (Information Systems), UK Clinical Research Network; Chief Information Officer, UK Biobank - November 26, 2008
Smarter Health Seminars: Why Not? University of Waterloo 50th Anniversary Series (2007)
- Why Not Bring Medications and Their Use Out of the Dark Ages? - Dr. Jake Thiessen, Hallman Director, School of Pharmacy and Director, Health Sciences Centre, University of Waterloo - January 24, 2007
- Why Not a Cognitive Science Approach to Understanding Clinical-Computer Interaction? - Dr. Vimla Patel, Professor, Columbia University, New York, USA - February 28, 2007
- Why Not Improve Health Care Through Effective Knowledge Translation? - Dr. Brian Haynes, Chair, Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Professor, Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics & Dept. of Medicine, McMaster University - March 28, 2007
- Why Not Create the Ideal Health System Through Health Informatics? - Mr. Tom Closson, Health Care Management Consultant & Former President and CEO University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario - April 25, 2007
- Why Not Evidence-Based Health Policies For Nations? The Case for Global Tobacco Control. - Dr. Geoffrey T. Fong, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology & Department of Health Studies and Gerontology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario - May 23, 2007
- Why Not address Clinician Knowledge Management Needs? - Dr. Octo Barnett, MD Professor, Harvard Medical School and Senior Research Director, Massachusetts General Hospital - June 27, 2007
- Why Not e-Health Care Now? The Resistance to Change in Our Health Care System - Hon. Michael J.L. Kirby, Former Senator and Chair, Mental Health Commission of Canada - September 26, 2007
- Why Not Safer Health Care Right Now? - Dr. Peter Norton (MD, CCFP, FCFP), Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary - October 24, 2007
- Why Not Advance Health Informatics Education Through Our Colleges? - Dr. Stefan Pantazi & Dr. Yuri Kagolovsky (MDs), School of Health Sciences, Community Services, and Biotechnology, Conestoga College - November 28, 2007
Smarter Health Seminars: eHealth Strategies - Local to Global (2005 - 2006)
- Standing on a Burning Platform: Implementing a Province Wide Wait-Time Information System - Sarah Kramer, VP & CIO, Cancer Care Ontario and Lead, Ontario Wait Time Information Strategy - September 28, 2005
- Getting to Filmless: Implementing a Shared Services Approach to Digital Diagnostic Imaging - Diane Beattie, Integrated VP Health Information, Strategic Partnership and CIO, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Josephs Health Care London - October 26, 2005
- Accelerating the Development and Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) - Richard Alvarez, President & CEO Canada Health Infoway - November 23, 2005
- Drowning in Data: What's a Healthcare Provider to Do? - Dr. Ian McKillop, JW Graham Research Chair in Health Information Systems Associate Professor, Computer Science & Health Studies and Gerontology University of Waterloo - January 25, 2006
- In Pursuit of the EHR Holy Grail: A Critical Situational Review - Dominic Covvey, Professor and NSERC/Agfa Executive Industrial Research Chair in Health Informatics, Faculty of Science, Founding Director, Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research, University of Waterloo - February 22, 2006
- The Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) System Project: A strategic change initiative for eHealth in Ontario - Ernie Wallace, Executive Lead, Strategic Initiatives, Smart Systems for Health Agency - March 22, 2006
- New Strategies for Health Care in the Home - Judith Shamian, President and CEO, VON Canada - April 26, 2006
- Ontario's Public Health E-Health Strategy - Supporting Public Health Renewal - George Pasut, Executive Lead, Public Health System Transformation
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care - May 24, 2006
- The Physician in eHealth: The Missing Link - Dr. Bill Haver, Family Physician and Managing Partner, Lakeside Medical Clinic, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - June 21, 2006
- Engaging Physicians in Ontario’s eHealth Strategy - Brian Forster, Chief Operating Officer OntarioMD - September 27, 2006
- eHealth Strategies in Support of Psychiatry - Peter Catford, VP Information Management, CIO & CPO, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - October 25, 2006
- Advanced Hospital Systems in the Context of eHealth Strategies - Matt Anderson, CIO SIMS Partnership eHealth Lead, Toronto Central LHIN VP University Health Network - November 22, 2006
Smarter Health Seminars: Emerging Solutions (2004 - 2005)
- My CARE Source: A Web-based Patient Portal - Glen Kearns and Claudette DeLenardo, Grand River Hospital - September 22, 2004
- NORTH Network and the Future of Telemedicine - Dr. Edward Brown, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre - October 27, 2004
- Paediatric Rehabilitation Engineering: Enabling Participation Through Technology - Dr. Tom Chau, Bloorview Macmillan Children's Centre - November 24, 2004
- Grand Challenges for Biomedical Information Retrieval in the 21st Century - Dr. William Hersh, Oregon Health and Science University - January 26, 2005
- Areas of IT Strategic Emphasis at Partners Healthcare - Dr. John Glaser, Partners Healthcare Inc. - February 23, 2005
- Rattling the Supply Chain: The Opportunity for Supply Chain Management in Healthcare - Sarah Friesen, VP, Supply Chain Hospital Business Services - March 23, 2005
- The Human Side of Health Informatics - Jim Anderson, PhD., Dept. of Medical Sociology & Dept. of Health Communications, Purdue University - April 20, 2005
- Managing Risk in Health Information Systems - Michael Connolly, CEO & Brendan Seaton, CP&SO, Smart Systems for Health Agency - May 25, 2005
- eHealth is Changing Health Care Culture - Sam Marafioti, VP Strategy and Development & CIO, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Science Centre - June 22, 2005
Smarter Health Seminars: Leadership in Health Informatics Series (2003 - 2004)
- Health and Wellness in the Internet Age - Dr. Alex Jadad, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation - September 24, 2003
- Health Data Mining - Dr. John Holmes, University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia - October 22, 2003
- Creating a Vocabulary of Medicine: From SNOP to SNOMED International - Dr. Roger Côté, Université de Sherbrooke - November 26, 2003
- 30 Years of Computers in Medical Imaging - Dr. Terry Peters, Robarts Research Institute - January 28, 2004
- From Data to Health Information - Jean-Marie Berthelot, Statistics Canada - February 25, 2004
- Is Privacy Really Important? Implications for the Health System and Record Keeping - The Honourable Horace Krever - March 24, 2004
- Developing an Integrated Health Intelligence System - Dr. John Hirdes, Health Studies and Gerontology, University of Waterloo - April 28, 2004
- The Challenge of Measuring Outcomes in the Healthcare System - Dr. David Zitner, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University - May 26, 2004
- Human Computer Interaction in Health Informatics: From Laboratory Usability Testing to Televaluation of Web-based Information Systems - Dr. Andre Kushniruk, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University - June 23, 2004
Smarter Health Seminars: Innovator Series (2002 - 2003)
- Innovations in Medical Image Management - Jim Herrewynen and Steve Rankin, Mitra Inc. - September 18, 2002
- Integrating the Health Record - Andrew Szende, Hospital for Sick Children and Pat Billard, IBM Inc. - October 16, 2002
- Reducing Medical Errors: Applying Just-In Time Knowledge - Patricia Beretta and Rick Stroobosscher, Medicalis Corp. - November 20, 2002
- GRIDS for Reliable Storage and Secure Transmission of Medical Images - Moe Kermani, Bycast Inc. - January 14, 2003
- View from the Mountain: Innovation Across the Healthcare Market - Steven Huesing, Healthcare Information Management & Communications Canada - February 19, 2003
- Electronic Healthcare Record Solutions - Trevor Hodge, Partner, Sierra Systems Group and Sarah Graham, Regional Manager, Orion Systems International - March 19, 2003
- Two Heads (and a Computer) are Better Than One: Knowledge and Collaboration Tools from Drug Discovery to Patient Treatment - Martin Summer-Smith, Open Text Corp. - April 16, 2003
- The Smart Systems for Health Agency: An Overview - Roger Girard, Smart Systems for Health Agency - May 21, 2003
- Canada's Electronic Health Record Solution Architecture - Dennis Giokas, Canada Health Infoway Inc. - June 18, 2003
Smarter Health Seminars: Value of IT in the Health System (2001 - 2002)
- Building the Foundation for e-Health in Ontario - John Oliver - September 26, 2001
- An Informationally (and Maybe Functionally) Impaired Health System - Dr. Jan Steiner - October 31, 2001
- Delivering Diagnostic Services In A Community Based Health Care System and the Economic Impact of Information Technology - Dr. Craig Lehmann - November 28, 2001
- Achieving a Clinical Dose of IT, How Much IT is Enough? - Dominic Covvey - January 23, 2002
- What can the IT-Enabled Health System Be and Do? - Dr. Bob Bernstein - February 20, 2002
- CHIPPing Away: Federal Government Investment in Health IT - Jeannine Parent - March 20, 2002
- Project Outreach: Ontario-Based Tele-Psychiatry Project - Dr. Robbie Campbell - April 17, 2002
- Healthcare, Technology and Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities - Greg Keeling - May 22, 2002
- Smarter Health - Pulling It Together: An Expert Panel Perspective - June 19, 2002
J.W. Graham Medal Seminars