Archive 2001-2002
This archive contains presentations from September 2001 to June 2002. All links to recordings are YouTube videos that will open in a new browser tab.
- Building the Foundation for e-Health in Ontario - John Oliver - September 26, 2001
- An Informationally (and Maybe Functionally) Impaired Health System - Dr. Jan Steiner - October 31, 2001
- Delivering Diagnostic Services In A Community Based Health Care System and the Economic Impact of Information Technology - Dr. Craig Lehmann - November 28, 2001
- Achieving a Clinical Dose of IT, How Much IT is Enough? - Dominic Covvey - January 23, 2002
- What can the IT-Enabled Health System Be and Do? - Dr. Bob Bernstein - February 20, 2002
- CHIPPing Away: Federal Government Investment in Health IT - Jeannine Parent - March 20, 2002
- Project Outreach: Ontario-Based Tele-Psychiatry Project - Dr. Robbie Campbell - April 17, 2002
- Healthcare, Technology and Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities - Greg Keeling - May 22, 2002
- Smarter Health - Pulling It Together: An Expert Panel Perspective - June 19, 2002