Archive 2005-2006
This archive contains presentations from September 2005 through November 2006. Links to recorded presentations are YouTube videos that will open in a new browser tab. Please also note that these videos were recorded as thumbnail sized images, approx 150x150px, that overlaid a corner of the slides.
- Standing on a Burning Platform: Implementing a Province Wide Wait-Time Information System - Sarah Kramer, VP & CIO, Cancer Care Ontario and Lead, Ontario Wait Time Information Strategy - September 28, 2005
- Getting to Filmless: Implementing a Shared Services Approach to Digital Diagnostic Imaging - Diane Beattie, Integrated VP Health Information, Strategic Partnership and CIO, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Josephs Health Care London - October 26, 2005
- Accelerating the Development and Implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) - Richard Alvarez, President & CEO Canada Health Infoway - November 23, 2005
- Drowning in Data: What's a Healthcare Provider to Do? - Dr. Ian McKillop, JW Graham Research Chair in Health Information Systems, Associate Professor, Computer Science & Health Studies and Gerontology, University of Waterloo - January 25, 2006
- In Pursuit of the EHR Holy Grail: A Critical Situational Review - Dominic Covvey, Professor and NSERC/Agfa Executive Industrial Research Chair in Health Informatics, Faculty of Science, Founding Director, Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research, University of Waterloo - February 22, 2006
- The Ontario Laboratories Information System: A strategic change initiative for eHealth in Ontario - Ernie Wallace Executive Lead, Strategic Initiatives Smart Systems for Health Agency - March 22, 2006
- New strategies for Health Care in the Home - Dr. Judith Shamian, President and CEO VON Canada - April 26, 2006
- Ontario's Public Health E-Health Strategy - Supporting Public Health Renewal - Dr. George Pasut, Executive Lead, Public Health System Transformation Ministry of Health and Long Term Care - May 24, 2006
- The Physician in eHealth: The Missing Link - Dr. Bill Haver, Family Physician and Managing Partner Lakeside Medical Clinic, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - June 21, 2006
- Engaging Physicians in Ontario’s eHealth Strategy - Brian Forster, Chief Operating Officer, OntarioMD - September 27, 2006
- eHealth Strategies in Support of Psychiatry - Peter Catford, VP Information Management; CIO & CPO, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - October 25, 2006
- Advanced Hospital Systems in the Context of eHealth Strategies - Matt Anderson, CIO, SIMS Partnership; eHealth Lead, Toronto Central LHIN; VP University Health Network - November 22, 2006