Archive 2004-2005
This archive contains presentations from September 2004 through June 2005.
- My CARE Source: A Web-based Patient Portal - Glen Kearns and Claudette DeLenardo, Grand River Hospital - September 22, 2004
- NORTH Network and the Future of Telemedicine - Dr. Edward Brown, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre - October 27, 2004
- Paediatric Rehabilitation Engineering: Enabling Participation Through Technology - Dr. Tom Chau, Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre - November 24, 2004
- Grand Challenges for Biomedical Information Retrieval in the 21st Century - Dr. William Hersh, Oregon Health and Science University - January 26, 2005
- Areas of IT Strategic Emphasis at Partners Healthcare - John Glaser, PhD. VP and CIO Partners Healthcare - February 23, 2005
- Rattling the Supply Chain: The Opportunity for Supply Chain Management in Healthcare - Sarah Friesen, Vice-President, Supply Chain Hospital Business Services - March 23, 2005
- The Human Side of Health Informatics - Jim Anderson, PhD., Dept. of Medical Sociology & Dept. of Health Communications, Purdue University - April 20, 2005
- Managing Risk in Health Information Systems - Michael Connolly, CEO& Brendan Seaton, CP&SO, Smart Systems for Health Agency - May 25, 2005
- eHealth is Changing Health Care Culture - Sam Marafioti, VP Strategy and Development & CIO, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Science Centre - June 22, 2005