Community Learning Space

The infraNET Project and 
Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research
University of Waterloo

present ...

"Why Not Safer Health Care Right Now?


Dr. Peter Norton, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary

Wednesday October 24, 2007
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Davis Centre, Room 1302
University of Waterloo

Seminar Series Sponsors
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
McKesson Information Solutions - Smart Systems for Health Agency
Healthcare Information Management and Communications Canada

Presentation Archive 2007

Canada's healthcare system serves its citizens well. On a daily basis, it saves lives and reduces the effect of injury and illness. It delivers cures for illnesses that were fatal in the past such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. However, the system is neither as safe nor as reliable as other major industries in our country, such as aviation or nuclear power generation. These issues of safety and reliability have concerned those involved in policy, management, clinical care and research, both in Canada and other countries. Together, these people are developing a vision and action plan for improving system safety, while maintaining and advancing health care delivery. The historical development of the system, together with an understanding of its complexity, informs this vision. This seminar will look more deeply into the issue of patient safety and explore possible interventions.

About the Speaker
Dr. Peter Norton (MD, CCFP, FCFP) is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Calgary. He serves as a board member of the Health Quality Council of Alberta and is a member of the Institute Advisory Board of the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research at CIHR.

Dr. Norton has an active interest in health services research with particular emphasis on patient safety, quality of care and knowledge transfer. He has a long track record of teaching and research in the areas of quality improvement, patient safety and medical adverse events, and has over 40 publications in that domain in the past 10 years. He was a principal investigator with Professor Ross Baker in the Canadian Adverse Event Study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, which yielded important data on the magnitude of the adverse events issue in Canadian hospitals. He is a founding member of Safer Healthcare Now! and leads the Western Node of this Canadian campaign which aims to improving bedside care in Canada.

Dr. Norton has received the Excellence in Quality Management Award from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and a Quality Team Award from the Canadian College of Health Services Executives.

For more information
Shirley Fenton
Managing Director, WIHIR
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4074

Seminar Hosts
This seminar is hosted by the Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research (WIHIR) and The infraNET Project, University of Waterloo.

The infraNET Project, initiated by the University of Waterloo in 1996, is a partnership to advance Web and Internet technologies. Its founding partners were: LivePage (now part of Oracle), MKS, Open Text, RIM, Sybase (Waterloo) and Waterloo Maple.

We also gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Institute for Computer Research, University of Waterloo.