Community Learning Space

The infraNET Project and 
Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research
University of Waterloo

present ...

"Why Not a Cognitive Science Approach to
Understanding Clinician-Computer Interaction?"


Dr. Vilma Patel, PhD., DSc., FRSC
Professor, Departments of Biomedical Informatics and Psychiatry
Columbia University, New York, USA

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Davis Centre, Room 1302
University of Waterloo

Seminar Sponsors:
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
McKesson Information Solutions - Smart Systems for Health Agency
Healthcare Information Management and Communications Canada

Presentation Archive 2007

Recent developments in biomedical informatics research have afforded possibilities for great advances in health care delivery. However, the implementation and integration of technologies in the workplace is a formidable challenge. As in most domains, there is a gulf between technologic artifacts and end users. Since medical practice is a human endeavor, there is a need for bridging disciplines to enable clinicians to benefit from technology. I will argue for a place of prominence for cognitive science as a key part of the solution. Cognitive science provides a framework for the analysis and modeling of complex human performance and has considerable applicability to a range of issues in informatics. Applications of these scientific methods and theories will be illustrated through examples that examine human computer interaction and usability in clinical collaborative processes.

About the Speaker
Vimla L. Patel is Professor of Biomedical Informatics and of Psychiatry at Columbia University, and Director of Columbia s Laboratory of Decision Making and Cognition. An elected fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the American College of Medical Informatics, she was recipient of the annual Swedish Woman of Science award in 1999. She received an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Victoria, BC, Canada in 1998 and became a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine in 2004. She has adapted methods and theories from cognitive science and has innovated new approaches that provide scientific foundation for medical and health education. Her more recent work is targeted on the role of cognition in designing a safer clinical workplace with better user-interface design and the effective implementation of health care technology. Dr. Patel has authored more than 200 journal articles and book chapters.

For more information
Shirley Fenton
Managing Director, WIHIR
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4074

Seminar Hosts
This seminar is hosted by the Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research (WIHIR) and The infraNET Project, University of Waterloo.

The infraNET Project, initiated by the University of Waterloo in 1996, is a partnership to advance Web and Internet technologies. Its founding partners were: LivePage (now part of Siebel), MKS, Open Text, RIM, Sybase (Waterloo) and Waterloo Maple.

We also gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Institute for Computer Research, University of Waterloo.