The infraNET Project,
University of Waterloo and Communitech
present ...
A Smart Community
Electronic Commerce -
Connecting Canadians to the
Digital Economy
Richard Simpson
Director General,
Electronic Commerce
Industry Canada
Wednesday, April
19, 2000
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. - Luncheon and Networking
12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Presentation
Ballroom, Waterloo Inn, 475 King St. N., Waterloo
About the Presentation
Beginning in 1993, the federal
government launched its Information Highway initiative, aimed at
deploying information and communications technologies to build a
knowledge-based economy in Canada. Ultimately, this initiative formed
the basis for developing a national strategy for Connecting Canadians -
a series of policy measures and programs designed to ensure Canadians
could capture the economic, social and cultural benefits of the changes
brought about by information networks and technologies. The need to
foster the adoption and use of electronic commerce, which has emerged
in the past two years as the economic engine of this transformation,
has become a prominent element in this strategy, with the objective of
making Canada a global centre of excellence in electronic commerce.
The presentation will establish the
scope and growing importance of e-commerce within the Canadian economy,
and will outline the efforts underway to help Canada become a world
leader in the development and use of electronic commerce. It will
discuss the role played by the federal government in creating a favourable
environment for the conduct of e-commerce in the areas of privacy and consumer protection,
security, and legal and fiscal stability. The central role of the private sector
and the importance of rapid adoption and diffusion of e-commerce
throughout all sectors of the Canadian economy will also be
highlighted. In this context, it will report on the findings of the
Canadian E-Business Opportunities Roundtable, and its plan of action
for mobilizing Canadas business and academic communities and for promoting the
growth of the digital economy.
Richard Simpson
Richard Simpson is the Director
General of Industry Canada's Task Force on Electronic Commerce, and is
responsible for the development and implementation of the department's
overall strategy for electronic commerce. In this capacity, he has
played a central role in designing Canada's policies on electronic commerce
at the domestic and international levels. He was formerly Executive
Director of Canada's Information Highway Advisory Council. From 1992 to
1995, Mr. Simpson served as Assistant Vice-President for
Telecommunications and Technology with the Commonwealth of Learning
(COL) in Vancouver, B.C., where he had overall responsibility for its communications
technology programs in support of distance education. Prior to joining COL, Mr.
Simpson was Director General, Telematics and New Media in the Canadian
Department of Communications. Mr. Simpson has worked in the field of
telecommunications policy and regulation since 1975, first as a
provincial government official and later for the federal Department of
Communications (DOC) in Ottawa. From 1987 to 1988, he played a central role in
the formulation of a comprehensive national telecommunications policy
for Canada. His academic career included graduate studies at the
University of Windsor and at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.
For more information
Please contact Communitech:
Seminar Sponsorship
This seminar is sponsored
by the infraNET Project, University of Waterloo and Communitech, CTTs
Community Technology Association.
The infraNET Project,
initiated by the University of Waterloo in 1996, is a partnership to
advance Web and Internet technologies. Its founding partners are:
LivePage, MKS, Open Text, RIM, Sybase (Waterloo) and Waterloo Maple.
We also gratefully
acknowledge the assistance of the Institute for Computer Research,
University of Waterloo.