Smart Community Seminar Series 1999–2001
The infraNET Project is hosting a special seminar series entitled "Transforming Communities through Smart Technology - Applications and Implications". In this series, speakers will explore aspects of these "smart transformations", examine different economic and societal sectors, and discuss how communities will or could change. These talks are given by developers, innovators and leaders in the use of smart technologies.
- October 19, 1999 - Smart Communications: The Next 10 Years - Terry Matthews, Newbridge
Presentation - 1:24:17
- November 30, 1999 - Connecting Canadians Through Smart Technologies - Doug Hull, Industry Canada
Presentation - 1:16:06
- January 26, 2000 - Mike Lazaridis, RIM
- February 2, 2000 - The Adaptive Economy: Connecting Communities, People and Business - John Wetmore, IBM
Presentation - 58:38
- February 16, 2000 - Jeff Chisholm, mbanx Direct
- March 29, 2000 - John Sheridan, Bell
- April 19, 2000 - Richard Simpson, Industry Canada
- May 30, 2000 - Hubert Saint-Onge, Clarica
- June 16, 2000 - Public Key Technology: Storming the World in 25 Short Years - Paul C. Van Oorshot, Entrust Technologies
Presentation - 1:22:58
- September 25, 2000 - Frank Clegg, Microsoft Canada Co.
- October 25, 2000 - Mark McArdle,
- November 15, 2000 - John McLennan, AT&T Canada
- January 24, 2001 - C. Ian Kyer, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
- February 20, 2001 - A. Abouchar, T. Astebro, M. Schisler, S. Speakman
- March 28, 2001 - James H (Jamie) Roberts, IBM Corporation
- May 23, 2001 - Dean Hopkins, Cyberplex
- June 15, 2001 - Go Mobile, Get Wireless: The m-Business Revolution - Terry Stepien, iAnywhere Solutions
Presentation - 51:51